Financial Literacy
Meet with one of our Financial Counselors and get a handle on your specific financial situation. This can be a group workshop, a family meeting or one-to-one counseling for budgets, debt management, or retirement plans.
Appointment can cover:
Debt Management
Retirement Planning - TSP & the New BRS
Credit Reports / Scores
Consumer Complaints
Food Assistance
Investment Questions
Home Buying Questions
Car Buying Questions

Texas Benefits Application Assistance Program
Many Texans have trouble making ends meet each month. After paying for rent, utilities, transportation, and child care, there's often little left over to buy nutritious food. But it doesn't have to be that way. Each month, hundreds of thousands of families across the state turn to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) to receive help in the form of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits to help feed their families. Read on to learn how you can receive help if you qualify.
SNAP is a federally funded program that helps low-income families buy nutritious food from local food stores. SNAP assistance is available to qualifying families, elderly people, and single adults. Applicants must reside in Texas, and must apply in the county in which they reside.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) establishes all eligibility and certification policies. Your eligibility for benefits will depend on your situation on the following criteria:
Employment Services
Work Requirement (for individuals age 18-50)
Social Security Numbers
While Benefits.gov has the ability to pre-screen your eligibility at a high-level, you must work with your local county Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) office to confirm your eligibility. To do this, you will need to apply for benefits and participate in an in person/by phone interview.
Prenatal Care Program
The Prenatal Care Program is a Free service to all mothers between the ages of 20-29 years old. Our Prenatal Educators can provide help, support and referral to for challenges you may be facing.
Find a doctor
Prenatal tests
Baby's development
High Risk Pregnancy
Need a crib